Important Information

This website is the maintained by Joyce Wheeler for the sole purpose of the members of the C.P.B.A. It does not reflect the views or opions of the C.P.B.A. Officers.

Printing tips for Internet Explorer: Open printout page, under File choose print with preview. Click page setup (right next to print, looks like a piece of paper with a gear on it) Set your margins to Left margin 0.5, Top margin 0.166, Right margin 0.25, Bottom margin 0.166 Hopes this helps! If you want to get rid of the page numbers, website info and and other crap, remove any information in the Header and Footer spaces. Also, if you are getting blank pages when you print, you might need to change the view settings. 75% seemes to have work fine. Noticed in Windows Vista, there has been an issue with this.