
Here you can get all information relating to the league tournaments!

Men's & Women's Tournaments - 2017-2018

Day Date Location Type of Tournament Contact Phone Alt. Phone
Sat.Oct. 24Legend'sLeague Scotch Doubles CPBA Rep 
SatNov. 14Silver DollarScotch Doubles Shelly Brewer242-4440 
Sat.Nov. 21Legend'sC.P.B.A. Women's 8-ball Singles Your CPBA Rep.  
Sat-SunDec. 5Legend'sMen's 8-ball Singles Your CPBA Rep.  
SatDec. 12Legend'sMixed All-Star Your CPBA Rep.  
Sat.Jan. 16Legend'sWomen's Doubles Your CPBA Rep.  
Sat.Jan. 16Legend'sMen's Doubles Your CPBA Rep.  
Sat.Jan. 27Legend'sWomen's Clinton City Tour. Your CPBA Rep.  
SatJan. 20Savanna Men's Doubles Your League Rep 
SatFeb. 6SavannaScotch Doubles Chile Cook-off Terry Tipp.815-298-6854 
SatFeb. 17Legend'sWomen's C.P.B.A. Team Tournament Your CPBA Rep.  
SatFeb. 20Legend'sMen's C.P.B.A. Team Tournament Your CPBA Rep.  
Sat.Mar. 6KingPinsDave Stuart Memorial 8-Ball Brian Stancil321-1491 
SatNov. 20Silver DollarScotch Doubles Shelly Brewer242-4440 
Wed-Sun DesMoines, Iowa Iowa State Tour.    

Listed are the Reps. that can help with any questions you might have.

Janie Finn: League President 563-249-0213
David Holmes: Treasurer 321-8435
Jennifer Stratton: Women's Rep 563-219-5411
Tim Cram: Men's Rep 563-249-2271

C.P.B.A website