Remember When!

Remember when, when we use to look like this?
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Let's have fun with this!

Dennis Birkett, Woody VanKampen, Pete Lewis, Dave Holmes and Paul Barnes Dave Holmes and Ray Fredericksen 1978 You guess and let me know!
Ray Fredericksen Harry Otto, Charlie Brewer, Kim Quick, Terry Norem, Jeff Huling, Dennis Anrews, Ray Rickards Charlie Brewer
Brian Vawter, Don Sager, Larry Leprovost, Randy Brewer, Todd Watts Steve Meeker, Don Sager, Larry Leprovost, Randy Brewer, Todd Watts Shelly Brewer, Vickie Quick
Ray Fredericksen with Charlie Schroeders ears, Bob Hill's art work Pete Lewis, doesn't he look dashing Janey Finn and Pete Lewis, 1st Place Scotch Doubles 1992
Pete Lewis, Bill Rickerl, Harold Hosette, Bob Andreson, Randy Chase, Dave HOlmes and Paul Barnes Paul Barnes, when he use to be fun! Pat Dickau, Laura Johnson, U.J.Pucket, Lynn Voss, Deb Quackenbush, Earl Strickland and I don't know who, can someone help me with a name
Laura Johnson, Pete Lewis think she was drinking? Chris Hosette, Gloria Wiebers, T.K., Jackie Sachmeir, Janey Finn Deb Malmstrom, Vickie Quick, Kathy Christiansen, Chris Hosette and Virginia Carmen
Motel, Louisville, Kentucky Think this was Kansas City? Harold says I am right! Bob Hill, Paul Barnes, Harold Hosette, Bob Boekeloo and Dave Stowers
Dave Holmes, John VanKampen, Harold Hosette, Bud Jackobsen and Lard VanKampen Joe, Kevin Kinkaid, Steve, Ricky Peters and Harry Otto Harold Hosette( he is in alot of pictures) Ron Gerts, Dean Oshogy, Tom Goodsman and Bob Palmer
Wendy Hofer, Kim Plummer and Gloria Shawn Kennedy, who is she trying to scare? Chris, Janey, Gloria, Wendy and TK
Sharon Tyler, Ivy Fuglsang, Jennifer Stratton, Connie Lessard and Bonnie Conklin Paul Baker, Craig Abbot, Phil Fuglsang, Randy Brewer and Dick Conklin She has served us for years! Guess who?
Joyce Wheeler, Pat Dickau, Jeanettte Fredericksen, Wendy Radcliff and Laura Johnson. My don't we look young! Janey Finn going for a swim in Denver Mari Matheisen, Pat Dickau and they tell me my feet!
When Dwain Bowman still had hair! My didn't you have fun in Vegas Terry Tipp and Merril Beck! What are you doing there, Karen Frank?
Sorry, you have to come to your own conclusion on this one! We don't drink much, Brenda! Did Leroy Anderson really drink?
Vicki Quick, Deb Fullen, Jennifer Graf, Patti Nelson and Linda Stowers Cindy Shadle, Dori Stoller, Tammy DeWitt, Vicki Quick and Barb Kinkaid Lori Otto, Judy Jungen, Karen Otto, Shelly Perry and Vicki Quick
Lori Otto, Barb Snyder, Karen Otto, Shelly Perry, and Vicki Quick John Hall Sr., Carol Lyles, Cliff and Dorie Stoller and Pappy Jackobsen Kenny Brandt, Dick Columbus, Dean O'Shogay, Ronny Brown, and Merle Lawrence Sr.
 Greg Crawford, Keith Tompson, Tom Wagamaster, Brent Nielsen, Kevin Twyford, Jerry Lampe Bob Boekeloo, Ray Fredericksen, Dave Stowers, Dennis Birkett and Jerry Lampe Bill Rickerl, Steve Meeker, Terry Struve, Jerry and Jim Harlock
What a motly crew this is. See if you can name all 14 people! Kenny Brandt and Faye Dickau
Steve Spalding, Rick Riley, Tom Teagler, Bob Davis and Steve Coppess Linda Jaeger, Wendy Bell, Mary Bell, Cindy Shadle, Dana Goodwin, Grace Rowson How do you eat a cupcake? Ask Wendy Bell
Mart Walden, Linda Jeager, Grace Rowson and Ilene Johnson Mary and Hank Walden. Mary received a plaque from her team.